Available Now: 2024 QAIB Full Study

Advice & Education

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4 pack
New! Advisor Guide to Selection + Use of Annuities 

With the Secure Act in effect, the use of annuities in defined contribution ("DC") plans will open up new opportunities for the insurance industry. However, success in attaining new business will require changes in products, practices and investment in time, effort and capital in order to counteract the current negative attitude towards the misunderstood annuity products.

4 pack 
Sample Templates 4 Pack 

Sample templates are the simple way to formalize the key requirements of Regulation Best Interest by making changes to the standard forms and adding necessary disclosures. The Sample Template 4 Pack includes Investment Discovery and Recommendations and Rollover Discovery and Recommendations.

bundle 408g 
Making the Most of 408g - The Series

Making the Most of 408(g) is a series of four reports (“Series”) designed to inform the decision and optimize the implementation of the 408(g) exemption. Each report is focused on a separate area of interest so that together the Series offers a broad understanding of the opportunities and implications of the 408(g).

The Series consists of reports covering:

  • Agreements, Disclosures, Notifications
  • Generally Accepted Investment Theories
  • Marketing 408(g)
  • Risk Management
408g Agree
Making the Most of 408g - Agreements, Disclosures, Notifications

This paper is one of a series that is intended to provide users and those considering use of 408(g) with guidance from the perspective of the independent auditor and independent expert required by the exemption.

This paper presents best practices for complying with audit and certification requirements relating to this communication.

Investment 408g
Making the Most of 408g - Investment Theories

This paper is one of a series intended to provide users and those considering use of 408(g) with guidance from the perspective of the independent auditor and independent expert required by the exemption.

This paper presents best practices for complying with audit and certification requirements for the variety of Generally Accepted Investment Theories.

Marketing 408g
Making the Most of 408g - Marketing 408g

This paper is one of a series intended to provide users and those considering use of 408(g) with guidance from the perspective of the independent auditor and independent expert required by the exemption.

This paper describes opportunities to leverage the 408(g) process to increase confidence of existing clients and make advice services more compelling for prospective clients.

Making the Most of 408g - Risk Management 

This paper is one of a series intended to provide users, and those considering use of 408(g) with guidance from the perspective of the independent auditor and independent expert required by the exemption.

4 pack
Rollover Training

i-LearnERISA offers two comprehensive self-study courses Navigating the New Rollover Reality and Compliance for Rollover Fiduciaries. These courses are designed to equip Financial professionals with the knowledge needed to confidently advise and make rollover recommendations. Compliance Officers will find value in these courses as a resource to complement a firm’s educational efforts to help associates master and comply with rollover requirements.


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Trends & Best Practices in Investor Statements

DALBAR's Trends and Best Practices in Investor Statements recognizes top financial communications via a ranking of financial statements, a summary of current best practices in statement content and design and emerging industry trends.

Trends & Best Practices in Performance Reporting

Performance reporting paints a complete picture of a portfolio and provides a deep look into the allocations, performance and investments that make up clients’ accounts. These tools go beyond the quarterly statement and assist clients in understanding their investment strategies and help to identify when changes need to be made. DALBAR’s Trends & Best Practices in Performance Reporting reveals the features that make these documents, vital components to the firm-advisor-client relationship, best-in-class.


NEW! Investor Insights: Account Statements

Investors are utilizing new technologies but the statement is still widely used to obtain account details. This report delves into how statements are utilized, including common sections deemed critically important or not important and examines investor opinions on statement design.


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State of Authentication in Financial Services – Executive Summary

DALBAR and ThinkAdvisor conducted a survey of leading financial institutions to catalog the authentication practices currently being used across four points of entry into your records, including: websites, mobile devices, interactive voice response units (“IVR”), telephone contact centers, and online statements. This Executive Summary provides an overview of these defenses and allows your organization to compare its own cybersecurity practices to the financial community at large.

Multi-Sector Cyber-Defense Collaborative

Multi-sector Cyber-defense Collaborative (“MCC”) is a membership group formed to identify and share the most effective practices being used by financial services institutions and service providers to combat the threat of cybercrime. Through a combination of in-person and virtual meetings, each member gains access to the combined knowledge of MCC members. Tools are in place to allow a free exchange of ideas and to provide advance notice of potential cyber threats.

State of Authentication in Financial Services – Authentication Trends

DALBAR’s Authentication Trends Report assists financial institutions in determining which practices need to be added or enhanced and the sequence for making improvements based on the risk, cost, timeframe and hurdles to overcome. This report breaks down the cyber-defenses currently in place for various points of entry, lines of business and audiences. Potential vulnerabilities are identified, as are specific practices gaining traction and falling out of favor. This report will assist institutions in setting priorities based on risk, cost, timeframe and hurdles to overcome.


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State of the Industry – Online Account Opening

State of the Industry: Financial Services Mobile Landscape

Gain unparalleled insight into the current direction of the financial services mobile industry that will help you prioritize future enhancements and stay in the customer's view. Series includes Artificial Intelligence, Mobile Trends and Innovations, and Rankings and Ratings of mobile sites and apps.

MI - The World of Mobile Optimized Web Sites
Mobile InSIGHT - The World of Mobile Optimized Web Sites

In order to remain 'in the customer's view', financial firms must stay current and leverage the mobile Web to establish a meaningful presence on their customers’ devices. However, two overarching questions remain: exactly what content should be mobile accessible and what is the best way to utilize screen space?

DALBAR's Mobile InSIGHT analyzed financial services firms’ mobile optimized Web sites and recognized those who create a meaningful user experience fit for mobile consumption.

Ranking Report

Mobile InSIGHT – Innovations in the World of Apps
This report analyzes financial services firms’ mobile software applications and recognizes those pacesetters whose mobile apps have led them to a higher, more continuous level of visibility. Read about trends and best practices, see app ratings, benchmarking stats and more.


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e-Delivery: Online Search Behavior Analysis

When it comes to e-Delivery programs, understanding customer needs is a key determinant of success. With so many financial services firms facing challenges in improving e-Delivery adoption rates, DALBAR has put together a unique and innovative study of online search behavior related to e-Delivery that can help firms better understand what customers are looking for and in turn better plan for e-Delivery adoption campaigns.

This industry leading report provides an overview of e-Delivery search behavior on Google by geographical location in the US as well as by age, gender and household income. In addition, this report provides an analysis of the kinds of search terms users interested in e-Delivery are relying on to find solutions to their reporting needs.

State of the Industry: The Online e-Delivery Experience

State of the Industry: Online e-Delivery Election Experience uncovers the process of consenting to electronic delivery. DALBAR reviewed 42 unique e-Delivery election experiences across four segments of the financial services industry: Retirement, Life Insurance & Annuity, Mutual Funds and Brokerage.

e-Delivery Benchmarks Study

DALBAR identifies the biggest e-Delivery concerns that the Financial Services industry faces, highlighting:

  • Paperless adoption rates for the most common communications
  • Annual savings from e-Delivery and spending on boosting adoption
  • Obstacles faced in converting investors to electronic
  • Tactics and strategies utilized to gain consent
  • Methods of promoting e-Delivery and driving investor action
  • How clients make use of the service and what potential issues might affect the experience
  • How clients are alerted to the availability of new documents and how are they accessed
  • Reasons for suspending e-Delivery

NEW! Investor Insights: Paperless Delivery

This report identifies investors’ feelings toward adopting paperless delivery, uncovers what factors drove them to enroll and reveals challenges in converting those not yet sold on this delivery method.

QAIB Products

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QAIB Advisor Studio
$250 (Already Registered? Login Now)

The QAIB Advisor Studio is an online, interactive hub for investor behavior related content, research and data. Specifically designed for advisors, Studio is filled with unique and practical content that promotes client engagement, reinforces trust, and provides a voice for financial professionals to build their practice.

NEW! 2024 Quantitative Analysis of Investor Behavior-Variable Annuities(QAIB-VA)

This report is the industry's most compelling argument for Variable Annuities. This VA research has turned heads with articles in the New York Times and IRI as well in the Seeking Alpha podcast!

Market Crisis Report Package

During times of crises, give investors an historical view of major market events and their impact on investor behavior. This package contains the 4 reports.

Prudent Asset Allocation Package

A Prudent Asset Allocation practice, improves on the current arbitrary practices of asset allocation by protecting the assets necessary to fund investor needs. These protected assets are independent of market performance.

QAIB Return Builder

Looking for more than the typical 1, 3, 5? Generate Average Investor Returns based on your custom timeframes of over 25 different categories of “Average Investors”

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The Investor Panic Relief Tool (DALBAR i-PRT)

With 24 hour news, market analyses, and predictions of doom, financial advisors have a tough job "un-panicking" investors. That is why we created the The Investor Panic Relief Tool (DALBAR i-PRT). This tool is now available only on QAIB Advisor Studio.

Contact Center Offering

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Trends & Best Practices in Financial Services Contact Centers

Financial services and insurance contact centers face many unique challenges, from a tight regulatory/compliance environment, to complicated products to ever-increasing customer expectations. DALBAR’s Trends & Best Practices in Financial Services Contact Centers study is designed to help you thrive in this challenging environment by providing broad-based financial services and insurance specific benchmarks and best practices.

Consumer Insights

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NEW! Investor Insights: COVID-19 Financial Advice

Our world has changed rapidly over the past eight months, which has included an unprecedented market collapse and recovery. Financial professionals have had a critical role in helping Americans maintain their nest eggs throughout the crisis, but how have they done?

NEW! Investor Insights: COVID-19 and Robo Advice

Can automated advice adequately service investors during times of crisis? The COVID market crisis and subsequent recovery in 2020 presented robo-advisers with arguably their first critical test and DALBAR’s Investor Insights: COVID-19 and Robo Advice report is the robo-advisor industry's first report card.

NEW!   Investor Insights COVID-19 Advice Package

This package includes two Investor Insights reports that capture investors' thoughts and experiences related to financial advice and automated advice during the COVID-19 market crisis and the months that followed.

Investor Insights Study Series

Investor Preferences are constantly evolving and today’s customers expect much more of the companies they choose to do business with. It’s time to get a solid understanding of what your customers are looking for. This study combines DALBAR’s Customer Experience expertise with input from some of the top providers in the financial services industry, and will determine exactly where customer preferences lie.

Investor Insights: Paperless Delivery

This report identifies investors’ feelings toward adopting paperless delivery, uncovers what factors drove them to enroll and reveals challenges in converting those not yet sold on this delivery method.

Investor Insights: Account Statements

Investors are utilizing new technologies but the statement is still widely used to obtain account details. This report delves into how statements are utilized, including common sections deemed critically important or not important and examines investor opinions on statement design.

Investor Insights: Investors Using Advisors

Does having an advisor contribute to positive investing behavior? This report looks at the difference in engagement between those with and those without professional guidance, their communication preferences and online behaviors. Understanding these substantial differences can help firms prioritize enhancements and target those individuals who are active and engaged in their finances.

Investor Insights: Online Security

DALBAR’s Investor Insights study on Online Security identifies the priority clients place on their financial firms’ security measures as well as their impressions of those practices (that are visible to them). Survey participants were also asked to confess to their own precarious online behavior and this report also offers best-in-class security tactics currently utilized by financial firms.

Investor Insights: Online Behavior

Investors share their feelings about what features of their firms’ websites are most useful, which ones are not, and what activities they routinely perform online.

Financial Success Drivers of DC Plans

The measurement of financial success of a defined contribution retirement plan is the ability of the plan to fund the retirement of the employees that the plan serves. This study presents the aggregate results of plan characteristics that drive employee behaviors with respect to participation and contributions made by participants.

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